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  • Founded in 1984, the Mission Locale Pays Basque is one of 430 local missions providing a local public service with a key objective: to help all young people aged between 16 and 25 to overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of their professional and social integration.


  • • It provides reception, information, guidance and support for working life (access to initial or continuing vocational training, or to a job), with a global approach, which is recognised as the most effective way of removing obstacles to integration into employment and working life.


  • Support for accompaniment is made possible by the mobilising our network of external partners

       We also work internally on the following topics

Part of a network, a public service for the integration of young people 

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Mission Locale is firmly rooted in the local area, with 30 reception points

throughout the Basque Country, and is developing partnerships in all areas

of social and professional integration throughout the region:

• employment

• guidance, training and skills development,

• accommodation,

• health,

• mobility,

• access to culture and citizenship, sports and leisure...

Strong local roots

Welcoming all young people aged 16 to 25 who have left school and providing support for those who are the least likely to

do so autonomous.


Proximity to where young people live, to economic and social players and to local authorities.


Equal services for all young people, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region, in particular by

based on the values of solidarity between urban and rural areas.


The development and implementation of actions to mobilise people and encourage them to support

the Group young people.


Overall support for young people, co-constructed with them, positioning them as players in their own lives.


The development of qualifications for young people and actions aimed at access to

employment, particularly long-term employment.


To achieve each of these objectives, the ML places the young person at the heart of its approach to integration by equipping itself with support methods and tools, through on going professionalisation of the team.

The guidelines

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Since August 2020, the Obligation to train has been extended to the age of 18.

The Missions Locales are responsible for monitoring compliance with the Training Obligation for 16-18 year-olds, and

this strengthens their role as a major player in the fight against dropping out of school and providing support for young minors.


The government has developed this mission in 3 stages

               . Identification : In close collaboration with the national education authorities during the Monitoring and Support Platforms for                       Early School Leavers (PSAD) -> Monitoring of lists, contact with families, proposals for individualised support, etc.


               . Mobilisation : In permanent liaison with the Promo 16-18 (AFPA remobilisation action) -> .Meetings with partners & networking


               . Supervision : In conjunction with the department, the sector social workers and the ASE referents -> . Referral to social services                     for young people and families who do not comply with the ODF


The Training Obligation is fulfilled as soon as the young person benefits from a solution

-> PACEA or CEJ contractual support / Civic service / Employment

The training obligation


  • The Contractual Support Pathway to Employment and Autonomy (PACEA) is a contractual framework for supporting young people, set up after a diagnosis of the young person's situation.


  • • It is part of the Conseil en Evolution Professionnelle (CEP) approach.


  • Duration of support: 24 months, renewable


  • An annual allowance of €1,491.03 (maximum amount/month: €497.01)


  • A monthly allocation committee (examining each situation in the light of the social criteria)

Assistive devices

The Youth Guarantee becomes the "Youth Commitment Contract


A fully personalised programme lasting 6 to 12 months, with the aim of helping young people

to defining a career plan and finding a job:


1- Support from a dedicated adviser (throughout the pathway to employment) at a France Travail agency or a Mission Locale


2- An intensive programme of 15 to 20 hours per week (different types

    of activities)


3- An allowance of up to €500:

  • For adults:

             - 500 € : Where the young person forms part of or is attached to a tax-free household

             - 300 € : Where the young person forms part of or is attached to a tax household subject to the first tax bracket

             - 0 if the young person forms part of, or is attached to, a taxable household above the first tax bracket

  • For minors:

             - 200 € If he/she forms part of or is attached to a non-taxable tax household or if the young person constitutes or is taxable in the first bracket

             - 0 if the young person forms part of, or is attached to, a taxable household above the first tax bracket

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Assistive devices

- Access to Guidance, Training and Skills Development with :


  • ERIP Pays Basque (Regional Information and Proximity Centre)


  • "My skills, jobs


  • "Ideas and professions


  • "Local Knowledge Workshop


  • "My tools for professional reorientation": Career development or retraining?


  • "Health - Employment": How can I keep my job or find a new one?


  • Group events: focus on careers, mini-forum


  • Company visits


  • Training actions : The PRF / The HSP / Individual Aid / Actions short Agefiph


  • Local, cross-border and international mobility

The global service offering

  • Access to employment and business relations with :


  • Helping young people find and keep jobs (putting them in touch with job offers), targeted prospecting...)


  • Supporting companies in their recruitment (subsidised contracts, grants, etc.) hiring, work-linked training contracts, etc.)


  • Organisation of events (job dating, company visits, information on careers, etc.)


  • Through various support schemes: mentoring, Betilan jeunes,

       Successful Apprenticeship Pathway, and PPAE

Global service offering

- Specific support with :


  • Young people with disabilities


  • Young people in conflict with the law


  • Young refugees

Global service offering

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